Martinsburg Mall
West Virginia - WV, Martinsburg


800 Foxcroft Avenue, Martinsburg, West Virginia - WV 25401

State: West Virginia - WV

City: Martinsburg

Telephone: 304 264 0017

Martinsburg Mall GPS Coordinates:  39.45051, -77.985764

This mall is: Mall
Number of stores and outlet stores: 50
Mall website:
Mall email: [email protected]

Directions to Martinsburg Mall and Map

Martinsburg Mall is located in Martinsburg.From the North : Interstate 81 South to Exit 13. Left onto King Street, From the South : Interstate 81 North to Exit 12. Right onto Rt 9, From the East : Interstate 70 West to Interstate 81 South, From the West : Interstate 70 East to Interstate 81 South.

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