G.H. Bass & Co. stores locations near me and store hours

G.H. Bass & Co. brand has in our database over 180 stores and outlet stores. To find nearest store use G.H. Bass & Co. store and outlet store locator or choose stores from the list below. We provide all informaction about G.H. Bass & Co. sales, stores driving directions, shopping hours and store locations.

G.H. Bass & Co. is an footwear brand whose shoes represent classic American style. In 2008 BASS opened it’s first two non-outlet stores in Massachusetts. Main products are clothing, shoes for men, women and kids.

G.H. Bass & Co. has in total 213 stores

Brand categories

Boots, Clothing - Children/Infant, Clothing - Men's/Women´s, Clothing - Teen,Young Men's/Women´s, Footwear - Children's, Footwear - Family, Footwear - Men's/Women´s

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