Sears brand has in our database over 1477 department stores or outlet stores. We provide information about Sears stores and outlets locations, mall and shopping centers opening hours, store hours and driving directions. Choose Sears store from the list below or use Sears store locator. All Sears locations in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and South America.
Sears is an American department store chain, the official name of Sears is Sears, Roebuck & Co. Sears is the fourth-largest U.S. department store company by retail sales and is the 12th-largest retailer in the U.S. with over 2200 store locations worldwide. Sears key products : clothing, footwear, bedding, furniture, jewelry, beauty products, appliances, housewares, tools, electronics, office supplies, school supplies.
Sears has in total 1717 stores
Accessories - Belts, Hats, Watches, Wallet, Fragrance..., Accessories - Home decor, Accessories - Sunglasses, Jewelry, Luggage, Bags, Eyewear..., Boots, Clothing - Children/Infant, Clothing - Men's/Women´s, Clothing - Men´s/Women´s Plus Size, Clothing - Teen,Young Men's/Women´s, Department stores, Footwear - Children's, Footwear - Men's/Women´s, Home Furnishings and Housewares, Maternity, Services - Photography, Optical, Financial, ..., Socks, Tools
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