Stores Bath & Body Works total in database : 967. Bath & Body Works brand page with information about store locations, opening hours, driving directions with gps coordinates and outlet stores listings. Bath & Body Works fragrance, home fragrance, beauty, body care, candle, wallflowers, gifts. Choose Bath & Body Works store frotm the list below, sorted by state or use Bath & Body Works store locator. In our database are Bath & Body Works stores from the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and South America.
Bath and Body Works operates more than 1,600 stores world-wide and main products are beauty products. Bath & Body Works was founded in 1990, a secondary brand called Bath & Body Works at Home was launched.
Bath & Body Works has in total 1245 stores
Accessories - Home decor, Health and Beauty, Home Furnishings and Housewares
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