The Shoppes At Exit 24
Oregon - OR, Phoenix


205 Fern Valley Road, Phoenix, Oregon - OR 97535

State: Oregon - OR

City: Phoenix

Telephone: (541) 890-8005

The Shoppes At Exit 24 GPS Coordinates:  42.282244, -122.817893

This mall is: Mall
Number of stores and outlet stores: 19
Mall website:
Mall email: Not Available

Directions to The Shoppes At Exit 24 and Map

The Shoppes At Exit 24 is located in Phoenix, Oregon. Shopping center address and directions : 205 Fern Valley Road, OR 97535. From North/South: take I-5, Exit 24, then Fern Valley Rd. The outlet center is placed on the corner of Fern Valley Rd and Luman Rd, right next to I-5.

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The Shoppes At Exit 24 details, information, sales & events:

The Shoppes At Exit 24 page includes information from mall - mall shopping hours, location and directions, stores and malls locator. Stores or factory outlet stores listing search on the list below.

The Shoppes at Exit 24 is located conveniently off I5 between Medford and Ashland. The 82,000 square foot shopping center offers a variety of shops for southern Oregon travelers to choose from. The Shoppes at Exit 24 has more than 19 stores and brand names. Great visibility from I-5, the shopping center is a home to McDonalds, Dutch Bros Coffee, Van Heusen, Hunter Douglas Gallery, Sierra Pacific Windows. Get information about hours, location, sales and directions to shopping center.

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