Plaza Mexico
California - CA, Lynwood


3100 E Imperial Hwy, Lynwood, California - CA 90262

State: California - CA

City: Lynwood

Telephone: 310 631 6789

Plaza Mexico GPS Coordinates:  33.928677, -118.21456

This mall is: Mall
Number of stores and outlet stores: 165
Mall website:
Mall email: [email protected]
Mall email 2: [email protected]

Directions to Plaza Mexico and Map

Plaza Mexico is located on Imperial Hwy off the Long Beach Blvd exit of the Century (105) Freeway - 13 miles south of Downtown Los Angeles and 9 miles east of LAX.

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Plaza Mexico details, information, sales & events:

Plaza Mexico page includes information from mall - mall shopping hours, location and directions, stores and malls locator. Stores or factory outlet stores listing search on the list below.

Plaza Mexico is 465,000 sq. ft. shopping mall with over 250 retail shops, restaurants, kiosks, walkways, and fountains.

Centro comercial en Lynwood, CA. con restaurantes, tiendas, kioscos y entretenimiento para toda la familia. Tenemos varios eventos culturales durante el año como la celebración del 5 de Mayo, Fiestas Patrias, Día de Los Muertos, y la celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe.

Plaza Mexico opening hours:
Monday - Sunday 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
All Plaza Mexico stores:

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