Gilbert Town Square
Arizona - AZ, Gilbert


1040 S Gilbert Rd

State: Arizona - AZ

City: Gilbert

Telephone: 480 890 0555

Gilbert Town Square GPS Coordinates:  33.330024, -111.793343

This mall is: Mall
Number of stores and outlet stores: 35
Mall website:
Mall email: Not Available

Directions to Gilbert Town Square and Map

Gilbert Town Square is located in Arizona, city Gilbert on adress 1040 S Gilbert Rd, AZ 85296. Directions from the North : take Gilbert Road south, past Warner Road, to the next traffic signal at the intersection of Gilbert Road and Civic Center Drive, Directions from the South : take Gilbert Road north, past Ray Road, to the next traffic signal at the intersection of Gilbert Road and Civic Center Drive, Directions from the East : take Warner Road west to Gilbert Road. Turn left (south) and proceed to the next traffic signal at the intersection of Gilbert Road and Civic Center Drive, Directions from the West : take Warner Road east to Gilbert Road. Turn right (south) and proceed to the next traffic signal at the intersection of Gilbert Road and Civic Center Drive.

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Gilbert Town Square details, information, sales & events:

Gilbert Town Square shopping mall is the 66 acre shopping center in Gilbert, Arizona. Its exciting blend of dining, shopping and entertainment choices, is designed to compliment the city’s new government center, commercial office buildings and prime pad location.

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