Layton Hills Mall
Utah - UT, Layton


1201 North Hill Field Road, Layton, Utah - UT 84041

State: Utah - UT

City: Layton

Telephone: 801 546 3471

Layton Hills Mall GPS Coordinates:  41.079545, -111.977634

This mall is: Mall
Number of stores and outlet stores: 124
Mall website:
Mall email: [email protected]

Directions to Layton Hills Mall and Map

Layton Hills Mall is located in Layton. North on Interstate 15 : Exit 331 to N. Hill Field Rd., turn right on N. Hill Field road and travel to the second red light, and Layton Hills Mall will be on the left, South on Interstate 15 : Exit 331 to N. Hill Field Rd., turn left on N. Hill Field road and travel to the Fourth red light, and Layton Hills Mall will be ion the left.

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Layton Hills Mall details, information, sales & events:

Layton Hills Mall page includes information from mall - mall shopping hours, location and directions, stores and malls locator. Stores or factory outlet stores listing search on the list below.

Layton Hills Mall opening hours:
Monday - Saturday 10:00 am - 9:00 pm, Sunday Noon - 6:00 pm.
Department store and holiday hours may vary.
All Layton Hills Mall stores:

Malls & Stores Locator

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