The Plaza at Robinson Town Centre
Pennsylvania - PA, Robinson Township


Park Manor Boulevard, Robinson Township, Pennsylvania - PA 15205

State: Pennsylvania - PA

City: Robinson Township

Telephone: 800 878 0262

Telephone 2: 412 391 7887

The Plaza at Robinson Town Centre GPS Coordinates:  40.453381, -80.166507

This mall is: Mall
Number of stores and outlet stores: 57
Mall website:
Mall email: [email protected]

Directions to The Plaza at Robinson Town Centre and Map

The Plaza at Robinson Town Centre is easily accessible from I-376, take Exit 59. The shopping center is located right next to I-376, on the corner of Park Manor Boulevard and Robinson Town Centre Blvd.

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The Plaza at Robinson Town Centre details, information, sales & events:

The Plaza at Robinson Town Centre page includes information from mall - mall shopping hours, location and directions, stores and malls locator. Stores or factory outlet stores listing search on the list below.

The Plaza at Robinson Town Centre is a main attraction in the shopping area that offers over four million square feet. It is highly popular shopping destination, attributable to the synergy and draw of its anchor tenants (IKEA, Home Goods, Value City Furniture, Jo-Ann Fabrics, Marshall’s, T.J. Maxx, ...) along with almost 50 other stores.

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