Pittsford Plaza
New York - NY, Rochester


3349 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York - NY 14618

State: New York - NY

City: Rochester

Telephone: 585 424 6220

Pittsford Plaza GPS Coordinates:  43.102675, -77.53998

This mall is: Mall
Number of stores and outlet stores: 45
Mall website: http://www.pittsfordplaza.com
Mall email: Not Available

Directions to Pittsford Plaza and Map

Pittsford Plaza is easily accessible from I-590 or I-490. From I-590: take Exit 2 (2B), join Monroe Ave (Route 31) in direction to Pittsford. Pittsford Plaza is located on the corner of Monroe Ave and French Rd. From I-490: take Exit 26, continue onto Monroe Ave in direction to Pittsford. Pittsford Plaza is located on your left side after few moments.

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Pittsford Plaza is the retail heart of Pittsford, NY, located on a suburb of Rochester, NY. Pittsford Plaza has been serving for more than 40 years, offering a unique mix of fashion and restaurant tenants. It provides 50,000 square foot of shopping space. You can find here stores and restaurants like: Barnes & Noble, Bed Bath & Beyond, The Cheesecake Factory, ... Pittsford Plaza is a wonderful community center that draws customers from the entire Rochester region.

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