50 Upper Alabama Street, Suite 007, Atlanta, Georgia - GA 30303
Directions from I-75/85 Southbound : Exit #248a, Turn right on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, Continue for 4 blocks, Directions from from I-75/85 Northbound: Exit #246, Follow Central Avenue. Turn left onto Martin Luther King Jr, Drive, Directions from from I-20 Eastbound: Exit #56B, Go to 3rd Light; Turn Left on Central Avenue, Stay on Central Avenue, Turn Left on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, Directions from I-20 Westbound : Exit #58, Turn Right on Capitol to Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive,Turn Left on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive.
Shopping mall Underground Atlanta offers a wide variety of specialty and gift stores from clothing to accessories, artwork to fun Atlanta gifts. Shopping center is located in the heart of the downtown, Underground Atlanta is one of the city’s favorite attractions, opened in 1969.
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