Enfield Square Mall
Connecticut - CT, Enfield


90 Elm St Enfield Square, Enfield, Connecticut - CT 06082

State: Connecticut - CT

City: Enfield

Telephone: 860 745 7000

Enfield Square Mall GPS Coordinates:  41.99713, -72.582369

This mall is: Mall
Number of stores and outlet stores: 75
Mall website: shopenfieldmall.com
Mall email: [email protected]
Mall email 2: [email protected]

Directions to Enfield Square Mall and Map

Enfield Square Mall, also known as Westfield Shoppingtown Enfield Square, is an enclosed shopping mall located in Enfield, Connecticut. Enfield Square is the 10th largest mall in the State of Connecticut with over 788,000 square feet retail floor area. The shopping mall opened in 1971.

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