Yuma Palms Regional Center
Arizona - AZ, Yuma


1305 Yuma Palms Pkwy, Yuma, Arizona - AZ 85365

State: Arizona - AZ

City: Yuma

Telephone: 928 329 4559

Yuma Palms Regional Center GPS Coordinates:  32.701604, -114.605233

This mall is: Mall
Number of stores and outlet stores: 67
Mall website: www.shopyumapalms.com
Mall email: [email protected]
Mall email 2: [email protected]

Directions to Yuma Palms Regional Center and Map

Yuma Palms shopping center is located at the northeast corner of 16th Street and Interstate 8. Adress : 1305 Yuma Palms Pkwy, AZ 85365.

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Yuma Palms Regional Center details, information, sales & events:

Yuma Palms Regional Center has more than 490 000 square feet of department and specialty stores, restaurants, entertainment including a village, a power center, a regional center and a Restaurant Row and all disctricts are connected through shaded pedestrian walkways.

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